Friday, February 22, 2013

How to Create a Successful Facebook Business With These Essential Tools

Facebook offers a multitude of tools that will help your business excel such as Social Ads, Pages, Beacon, Insights, Platform, and Polls. These tools are there to help you in building your brand on your Facebook Page while attracting visitors and future clients.

It’s wise to start by learning all about these tools. This will save you a lot of time in the long run. In the following section you’ll learn how this all ties together which will show you how essential these tools are in running a successful Facebook business. You can learn all about these tools by going to the business section at

Social Ads

What makes social ads so powerful and unique, is their direct interaction with the news feeds of your friends and fans. This gives you an advantage because anyone who has added you as a friend will see information about your business directly on their profile.
This is also an advantage because you can directly control who sees your ads, which helps you to target your traffic without much effort. As with any kind of marketing, targeting your traffic has proven time after time to raise your conversions.....    more on

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